Tag Archives: 10th

HPT 10th Live Status Check: Early June

A lot is going on as Spring switches into Summer. A lot of events both local and abroad are happening and it’s hard to get everything lined up on the blog. I hope you are able to get all the info on your own the past month.

I’ll try to highlight all the notable items between now and IM@S 10th so you guys are on the same page as us. Can you believe we’re just 40 days away?

Continue reading HPT 10th Live Status Check: Early June

Preparing for a live – Calls and Callbooks


As we’ve pointed out in this blog many times before, a large part of enjoying an idolm@ster live is participating with the rest of the audience in what we refer to as “calls.” If you’ve watched the Idolm@ster or the Cinderella Girls anime, you’ve seen the audience do these during the live portions. It’s usually entirely fan-made and really energizes the crowd during the show. Here we’ll lay down the basics of the calls, where to get resources to learn them, and how to read those resources.

Continue reading Preparing for a live – Calls and Callbooks

10th Live News Update!

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There was quite a bit of information about 10th anniversary detailed in today’s Master Artist 3 nico broadcast so here is the summary:

  • General ippan sales starting 6/13. Outside seating added.
  • Be prepared for im@s songs from the very beginning. Every im@s song could possibly be played.
  • First day will be 765pro focused, songs from arcademas era will definitely appear.
  • The final song will be an original 10th anniversary theme song titled “AI MUST GO”. Will also be added to itunes in June.
  • The live won’t pass 9pm.
  • There will be a special train set up for 10th.
  • Azumin is azutoi.

10th Live Updates


In the PIECES OF M@STERPIECE!! Niconama today, they released more details about the upcoming 10th live. For those who missed the CD application period, there will be a web application period for the ticket lottery where you probably don’t need anything but an account in the respective ticketing site.

They’re using L-Tike again this time, so you may not even need to create an account. The web application period will start from 15 May at 10:00 AM JST and end at 31 May at 23:59 JST. Like before, you can apply up to 4 two-day tickets per lottery application. If you missed out on the CD application, this is your chance!

Continue reading 10th Live Updates

Enter Your 10th Codes!

The IDOLM@STER 10th CD round lottery ends in less than 24 hours!!! Please remember to enter your codes! If you have extra codes please remember to share them with someone who might want them!

Here’s the guide we made for you if you need it! Remember to enter all the JP text fields in full-width characters! If it helps, write up the input in notepad or notes application and copy paste into the website application.

Continue reading Enter Your 10th Codes!

THE IDOLM@STER: M@STERS OF IDOL WORLD 2015: Song, Color, and Cyalume Cheat Sheet


With the recent announcement revealing which performers will be appearing at which dates, it would probably be to your benefit to familiarize  or re-familiarize yourself with relevant songs and relevant colors. This way, you know what color cyalume to whip out at any given song…or at least have a good general idea. Now, songs in this cheat sheet are by no means guaranteed to make an appearance.

Anyway, the cheat sheet is here. We’ll be updating it as necessary.

Regarding the 10th Live (From Dire1)

This post is a translation of 【アイマス10thLIVE】について(ディレ1より) 

Producers all over the country, it’s been a while.
I’m the general iDOLM@STER Producer Ishihara, AKA Dire1.
We announced the details for THE IDOLM@STER M@STERS OF IDOL WORLD!!2015″ today, and we’re going with “celebration” as a theme this time around.
This time we want to try and celebrate the 10th anniversary of the iDOLM@STER with everyone alongside the idols on stage.
In day 1, we want to celebrate with 765 Pro who is welcoming their 10th anniversary alongside the support members and all the producers in the venue.
In day 2, we want to celebrate The iDOLM@STER with 765 Pro members, Cinderella Girls members, Million Live members and of course all the producers in the venue.

To all those producers who started in the arcade, to those who started with the console games, to those who started with the anime, and to those who started with CDs, events, figures and everything else…

We’re counting on your support to welcome this hot summer and have a blast with The iDOLM@STER


There have been some concerns regarding ticketing for the 10th live  as they’re currently using L-Tike instead of the usual e+ or Ticket Pia for lotteries, but fret not, we’ll help you figure things out. A few aspects of the ticketing were made easier, although they did make the ticket pickup method a little more annoying.

Continue reading THE iDOLM@STER M@STERS OF IDOL WORLD 2015 Ticketing