Regarding the 10th Live (From Dire1)

This post is a translation of 【アイマス10thLIVE】について(ディレ1より) 

Producers all over the country, it’s been a while.
I’m the general iDOLM@STER Producer Ishihara, AKA Dire1.
We announced the details for THE IDOLM@STER M@STERS OF IDOL WORLD!!2015″ today, and we’re going with “celebration” as a theme this time around.
This time we want to try and celebrate the 10th anniversary of the iDOLM@STER with everyone alongside the idols on stage.
In day 1, we want to celebrate with 765 Pro who is welcoming their 10th anniversary alongside the support members and all the producers in the venue.
In day 2, we want to celebrate The iDOLM@STER with 765 Pro members, Cinderella Girls members, Million Live members and of course all the producers in the venue.

To all those producers who started in the arcade, to those who started with the console games, to those who started with the anime, and to those who started with CDs, events, figures and everything else…

We’re counting on your support to welcome this hot summer and have a blast with The iDOLM@STER

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