Better Know a Producer #15: vae


The P we’re looking at today is a Makoto P by the name of vae (which apparently is pronounced “vay” not “vai”) and if you couldn’t guess from the way he writes “-our” in stead of “-or” and “-ise” instead of “-ize”, he’s a French Canadian P and another good friend from the cold north. I first met vae in a session of GTAV I believe… but I had the pleasure of meeting vae a couple times now at Anime North and im@s 10th where we actually roomed together along with the other Canadians. And while that was an experience of its own, I greatly enjoyed the few moments of off-time when I got to hang out with him and a few of the other Canadabros and hopefully we can do something like that again in the future.

Continue reading Better Know a Producer #15: vae

THE IDOLM@STER CG 3rd Live performers & Cinderella Masters 8th Batch

They announced the performers for the Cinderella Girls 3rd Live today during the Osaka venue of the Cinderella Girls Summer Festival event. The next batch of idols who are getting their Cinderella Master singles was also announced!

Keep reading after the break for more details.

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The IDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls 3rd Anniversary Live: Cinderella’s Ball – Power of Smile-

The first venue of the Cinderella Girls Summer Festival is over, and you can check out the setlist here.

They’ve also announced the 3rd anniversary live for Cinderella Girls during the event! Keep reading after the break for details.

Continue reading The IDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls 3rd Anniversary Live: Cinderella’s Ball – Power of Smile-