[Opinion] SideM Anime & Million Live, ~Once More, with Feelings~

This is a repost of my original blog post here, with some edits. Just note that the views expressed here are my own and are not a view shared by everyone and I don’t speak for HPT here.

TL;DR: Here I quote tablody-matome blog Yaraon for the proper verbiage: アイマスサイドMが先にアニメ化され、ツイッターのミリマスP達、精神を病み始める: When SideM anime gets announced first, Million Live Ps go into nervous breakdown.

Continue reading [Opinion] SideM Anime & Million Live, ~Once More, with Feelings~

Flowers for Million Live 4th Anniversary at Budokan

[The flower contribution has closed! We have to finalize the name board early so sorry about that. Please contact me if you have any questions.]

Producer-san, Budokan desuyo! Budokan!

The 4th Million Live Anniversary is happening soon, and it’s happening at Budokan! A few HPT members will be attending the event, and we want to celebrate this moment by sending a flower stand similar to what we’ve done before.

Continue reading Flowers for Million Live 4th Anniversary at Budokan