This episode: SideM 2nd Anniversary!
Monthly Archives: February 2017
[Opinion] SideM Anime & Million Live, ~Once More, with Feelings~
This is a repost of my original blog post here, with some edits. Just note that the views expressed here are my own and are not a view shared by everyone and I don’t speak for HPT here.
TL;DR: Here I quote tablody-matome blog Yaraon for the proper verbiage: アイマスサイドMが先にアニメ化され、ツイッターのミリマスP達、精神を病み始める: When SideM anime gets announced first, Million Live Ps go into nervous breakdown.
Continue reading [Opinion] SideM Anime & Million Live, ~Once More, with Feelings~
HPTalk Episode 23
If a bunch of Producers from all over the world met outside at the Producer Meeting’s venue, isn’t that a Producer Meeting Producer Meeting?
SideM Live on St@ge and Anime announced!
Producer Meeting flower stands!
I took some photos (and a video) of the flower stands of the Producer Meeting. You can check them out here. Meanwhile some of the cast members also posted photos of flowers on their blogs!
Once again, thank you all who have contributed to the flower stand! Special shoutout to our illustrator, @ilhi12! Meanwhile, we’re setting plans for Million Live 4th as well, please check it out!
Flowers for Million Live 4th Anniversary at Budokan
[The flower contribution has closed! We have to finalize the name board early so sorry about that. Please contact me if you have any questions.]
Producer-san, Budokan desuyo! Budokan!
The 4th Million Live Anniversary is happening soon, and it’s happening at Budokan! A few HPT members will be attending the event, and we want to celebrate this moment by sending a flower stand similar to what we’ve done before.
Continue reading Flowers for Million Live 4th Anniversary at Budokan