If a bunch of Producers from all over the world met outside at the Producer Meeting’s venue, isn’t that a Producer Meeting Producer Meeting?
Podcast notes:
Hosts: Chuck, Kuro
Guests: omo, Moy
Produce: omo
Edit: Rico
- Intro
- Current & upcoming events (as of 2/4/2017)
- Producer Meeting report
- Ending
Producer meeting happened and we got to see the full cast! We got to see BaneP! We got to see Minorin and Yuyu!
世界中のプロデューサーが集まるミーティングでした pic.twitter.com/UP5nsP4h5b
— Ryan@まややん2nd (@Disgaeamad) January 30, 2017
2014 vs 2017 海外P pic.twitter.com/TgS3FDZXpD
— Chris S.A (黒月) (@Kurotsuki) January 29, 2017
We also talked about the upcoming announced tour for CG and SideM! So much is going on event-wise in 2017!
Please send us some letters using the below form. Any feedback or whatever, we’ll be sure to read it. PLEASE give us some material! It’s your chance to help produce HPTalk!
Until next time! Damn SideM anime huh…
(Omake segment: You can’t stop the Walkure!!)
>minoringo in imas
please no i dont want to re-enter the CG wars