All posts by omo

[Opinion] SideM Anime & Million Live, ~Once More, with Feelings~

This is a repost of my original blog post here, with some edits. Just note that the views expressed here are my own and are not a view shared by everyone and I don’t speak for HPT here.

TL;DR: Here I quote tablody-matome blog Yaraon for the proper verbiage: アイマスサイドMが先にアニメ化され、ツイッターのミリマスP達、精神を病み始める: When SideM anime gets announced first, Million Live Ps go into nervous breakdown.

Continue reading [Opinion] SideM Anime & Million Live, ~Once More, with Feelings~

Producer Meeting Flowers from HPT


Hello fellow producers:

As you may know, the IDOLM@STER Producer Meeting 2017 will be the second 765Pro Allstar live where the main cast are all present. Some of us are planning to attend the two-day event, and some of us are unable to.

Either way, we are planning to send a flower stand to the venue of Producer Meeting at the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium. In order to do so we would like to collect money from everyone who are interested in helping us to do so. We ask this time that you provide a donation of $20 USD and in exchange we will record your name on the flower stand as a token of your (and our) good will to the notable event.

Continue reading Producer Meeting Flowers from HPT