Today’s HPTalk is about SukeP!
Also why is HPT(ry
Hello and welcome to LAST entry in our Better Know a Producer series. We’ve been doing this for almost a year and a half now and as of this post have covered 22 different Producers from different parts of the world. I hope you’ve been enjoying reading these as much as I have and after this I’ll be looking into the possibility of a new interview series for other Producers who have yet to be featured on this website.
But without any further ado the last P to be interviewed is a great friend of mine SetsunaP who is also a Haruka Producer from about the same era when I got into im@s. Since then I’ve seen him fall into Love Live, Cinderella Girls, Million Live, basically everything so you could say he’s a DD. The very first night I stayed in Japan was actually at his place while he still lived in Japan so I have a lot of fun memories hanging out with Sets during those times.
Two of these posts in a row?! Don’t worry we’ll be slowing content to normal soon enough. Today we have MatchaP, an American born Chihaya P who currently resides in glorious nippon. Matcha is a great example of how chance encounters can lead to lasting friendships; Matcha himself having been picked up by HPT at a Mingosu live concert when they noticed that he wasn’t Japanese (that’s how desperate we are to make friends). Matcha’s like a big brother to me, and I slept on his couch when I was in Japan for Nakamuland. When you think of Matcha it’s simultaneous with Uesaka Sumire aka Sumipe, and he himself is probably recognized by Sumipe by now with all the eventing he’s done. спасибо!
This series is still alive! It is! I’ve actually known Toast since before I was very deep into idolm@ster, in fact I likely wasn’t aware he was also a fan back then. It’s actually also thanks to him that I bought all of the G4U editions of the idolm@ster anime BDs back in 2012, since I saw him buy one of the volumes on Twitter. I then figured, hey I can do that too right? RIP $1000+
It’s been a while! We’re finally nearing the last Ps in the Better Know a P series appropriately near the 2nd HPT anniversary. #19 this time is bbb from Canada. I’ve only met him in person at Anime North before but as a fellow Haruka P, hopefully we can get him to an im@s live in person one day!
Niichang yolo yolo! Landro is one of the first P friends I ever made so I was pretty ecstatic to finally meet him in person at 9th for the first time when I did. Anime North 2015 with Asapon guesting was especially fun too since Landro is also a Futami twins P and it was pretty epic to see a Futami P’s reactions to meeting the real person. A lot of my fun memories in Akiba involve running around the arcades with Landro and he’s quite skilled at a lot of various games himself. Good taste in games, doujinshi, a good man who has done me more favors than I can count. I want to marry him one day.
I’m running out of things to say in these intros. Wait Rob is a MakotoP? I had no idea until now… er, anyway, without further ado, RobertP…!
Edit: Due to popular demand by Robert fans I’ve been requested to write more about Rob. I actually hung out with Rob a lot during my trip for 10th anniversary we also shared rooming together. I’m pretty sure there were like 3 times I was locked out of the apartment and he had to come outside to get so me or others so he’s a really good person!
Today’s post is about Frank who I’ve actually known for some time before I met him in person as one of the people who helped run the yukipo archive. Perhaps a little bit crass, he’s got his heart in the right place and is HPT North America’s (un)official photographer responsible for the majority of our Anime North off-kai photos. Relying on you next year too Frank!
The P we’re looking at today is a Makoto P by the name of vae (which apparently is pronounced “vay” not “vai”) and if you couldn’t guess from the way he writes “-our” in stead of “-or” and “-ise” instead of “-ize”, he’s a French Canadian P and another good friend from the cold north. I first met vae in a session of GTAV I believe… but I had the pleasure of meeting vae a couple times now at Anime North and im@s 10th where we actually roomed together along with the other Canadians. And while that was an experience of its own, I greatly enjoyed the few moments of off-time when I got to hang out with him and a few of the other Canadabros and hopefully we can do something like that again in the future.
Yep, we’re back to Canadian Ps. I first met Karagea at Anime North 2013 when he wasn’t really a P yet. He didn’t stand out much at the time but now he’s become the Nao/Yuiton P so he has an identity! Unfortunately many Ps agree that Yuiton has amazing beautiful legs and can’t help but visually prpr them when Kara’s not around. Sorry Kara!