Category Archives: Bio

Better Know a Producer #07: JT

7thwraith Business Card v5 (2)

Although completely by chance, it’s quite appropriate that #07 in our Better Know a Producer series is our very own 7thwraith aka JT and a P from the East Coast! You could say the origins of HPT were founded by my very own encounter with JT, which began as a simple twitter lodging request to a stranger for Anime North 2013. Since then he’s become a close friend but unfortunately as JT grew more as a P over the years so did the number of his waifus and today there’s unlikely to be a more famous DD (nipponese term for Daredemo Daisuki or “loves anyone”) than JT.  If you don’t believe me just wait until you read the visual novel he wrote down below.

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Better Know a Producer #05: Shinikenshi


Every successful group of organized criminals has a tough and respected boss and Shinikenshi fills that role for us. Some say he once fought a tiger with nothing but a glowstick and a mahjong tile as weapons and won. Ok nobody says that, but in any case Shinikenshi is a very valuable member of HPT who is always helping the other members out, especially with buying goods from Japan. He even once sacrificed his own luggage just so he could bring back goods to the others back in the west (;_;). Being an old man, we really shouldn’t rely on him so often, but I guess it can’t really  be helped. Sorry boss!

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Better Know a Producer #04: Seraph



I promise this is the last Canadian P for now. #04 in our Better Know a Producer series, Seraph another Producer from the frigid north! It’s quite odd but you could say I’ve known Seraph the longest out of anyone in HPT. We both were on the Tales series online forums back in 2007 but we didn’t talk to each other much (remember I said Tales actually introduced me to im@s). 7 years later he would become discovered by the Canadian Ps and became more converted to im@s and that’s when I got to know him better. Life’s funny.

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Better Know a Producer #03: vota



#03 in the Better Know a Producer series, another resident P from Canada known as vota! The first time I met vota was at Anime North 2014. I only really knew him as a general seiyuu fan but he seemed interested and willing to learn more about im@s and after some enabling a small push he’s become a greater im@s fan and another member of HPT himself! (I cannot be held responsible for any damages his wallet may have suffered)

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Better Know a Producer #02: Kurotsuki


#02 in the Better Know a Producer series, our very own Kurotsuki! Or perhaps better known to the world as Average Miki P. Who is Average Miki P and why is he so average? I’d like to know too, but this is the tweet that started it all when a Japanese P at Anime North 2014 discovered the average overseas Miki P,  since then he has been spotted in the likes of Shinjuku Wald 9, Kotobukiya in TOKYO, and even getting slapped by a pirate maid.

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