This episode is the Otakon 2016 Speakeasy. Please set your listening equipment to stereo to enjoy!
— 牧野由依 (@yuiyui_makino) August 14, 2016
Podcast notes:
Hosts: Kuro, Kei, JT, omo,
Guest: Chuck
Edit: Rico
- Random talk
- If a bunch of dudes talking about SideM is your thing, this ep is for you.
- We also talked about eventing in general
- Current events (as of 8/13/2016)
- Ending
Sorry it took like a month to produce this episode. Well, a big part of the problem was because I went to Anisama. In the meanwhile Producer Meet tickets were won and lost, and a lot of stuff moved forward. CG4th Kobe happened. I hope the end of summer has found you well.
We recorded this while at the con, so it’s just chatter. I hope you’ll enjoy listening to some of us make dumb jokes! Don’t take what we say 100% serious either…but surely you know that.
As usual, please send us your questions and comments, or any topic or seiyuu or IM@S things you want us to talk about!