Today is a special day for our favorite blue-haired singing goddess and queen of perflat. It’s Chihaya’s birthday! And as expected Producers worldwide have taken to celebrating.
お誕生日おめでとうちーちゃん!アメリカでは如月千早の生誕祭!SoCal Ps celebrate Chihaya's Birthday! #如月千早生誕祭
— MinhP@PonNorth2015 (@MinhP765) February 25, 2015
United States (Southern California)
These photos were taken from the past weekend in Los Angeles where about 20 Producers and Produnus showed up to celebrate Chihaya’s birthday. I was there as well! We first had dinner at an izakaya restaurant and it was actually the first time that a lot of the Ps there were meeting. After exchanging P cards, we opened up a round of UO beers and kanpai’d for Chihaya. After dinner we headed to Round 1 Arcade where we set up the Chihaya shrine and then karaoke’d until 2am. Haruka also made a guest appearance! のヮの
千早お誕生日おめでとうございます!!!! #如月千早生誕祭 #如月千早生誕祭2015
— FRIED CHICKEN (@karageaz) February 24, 2015
Happy Birthday Chihaya~
— OrphiP@E5甲クリア (@Orphi) February 24, 2015
千早ちゃnお誕生日おめでとう!! Happy birthday, Chihaya!!
— アルエトP (@rr_alouette) February 24, 2015
千早誕生日&ちはやミュージアム2015開催記念痛チョコ&ケーキ作りました!千早誕生日おめでとう! #千早誕生祭 #ちはやミュージアム #ちはミュ
— てつこはちはミュを応援しています (@tezzco) February 24, 2015
千早、誕生日おめでとう。 やっとちゃんとお祝いできた。 君の歌声で俺の人生はキラキラしたよ。 本当にありがとう。そしておめでとう。 #千早生誕祭 #千早誕生祭 #如月千早誕生祭 #如月千早生誕祭 #如月千早誕生祭2015
— すがぴ@千早隊の姫 (@chihaya_765_) February 25, 2015
千早誕生祭じゃあ!! #千早誕生祭 #2月25日は千早の誕生日
— マクロン@百合子大好きojisan (@Yuuta_macronP) February 24, 2015
Wow! Chihaya is really loved worldwide, perhaps I should become a ChihayaP too. Happy birthday Chihaya, we hope you have a great birthday! o/
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