All posts by omo

eventer/anime blogger/菊地真P/アニオタ/声オタ/WUG!/(●・▽・●)/アニソン好き/mobile & telecom/always hiring/日本語で ...not OK?/漢語w/Born Again/gastro tourist

Cinderella Girls at Anime Expo 2017 Anison World Matsuri

If you followed English-language anime news, you probably have heard about it. It feels redundant to repeat the news here so we will make this a master post to include other details you might want to know about AWM, Cinderella Girls at AWM, and AX in general.

Aqours and THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS join Anisong World Matsuri at Anime Expo 2017!

And really, this post is coming up so late because the 5 days since the announcement have been a frenzy of handling different aspects of planning and ticketing. In light of that here are the upcoming key items.

As things are updated we will update this page and/or post in a new blog post. Please keep an eye on @houkagoptime on twitter for updates.

Latest update: Call book info & offkai info!

Continue reading Cinderella Girls at Anime Expo 2017 Anison World Matsuri

Houkago P Talk in Hawaii Livestream

HPTalk is going to KawaiiKon and we are going to have a little episode the day before, on April 7th. We will be live streaming from Hawaii!


When: Thursday April 7th 9PM Pacific/Friday April 8th 12Midnight Eastern/Friday April 8th 1PM JST

Where: Chuck’s Ustream channel is where the streaming happens.

There’s a plan B, which is Periscope. In any case please check @HoukagoPTime for last minute updates.

It’s not too late to send us viewer mail but we will probably take your comments also from twitter and such. Again, details will be announced on the @HoukagoPTime twitter account.

Please tune in! m(_ _)m