Megaton Voice was streamed on nicovideo today, and it was /AWESOME/. The two new girls performed very well for their first stage!
First up, Million Live is doing a collaboration campaign with Sukiya from 20 September to 26 October 2017. Details will be announced on the 20th.
Secondly, Bluray Discs for the 4th Live was also announced. It’s slated to be released on 17 January 2018 (Ueda Reina’s birthday). The complete box costs 27,000 JPY before tax, and it will include 1 disc for each day of the live in addition to a special disc. Single day discs will also be on sale for 8,000 JPY each.
Lalabit will also have a special version with a special tapestry featuring as its special edition bonus. Preorders for this version will be up on the Lalabit site from 18 September 2017 at 00:00 JST.
Lastly, Theater Days is currently doing a special discounted paid gasha campaign, where you can do a 10 roll for 1500 jewels for the first 10 roll, and 2000 jewels for the second 10 roll.
メガトンボイス、無事終了致しました!!ニコ生のプロデューサーさんの声援も届きましたし、何より会場のプロデューサーさんの応援で、アイドルたちがより一層煌めきました!ハッチポッチ、そしてその先まで、これからも一緒にプロデュース、よろしくお願い致します!! #ミリシタ #imas_ml
— ミリオンライブ!ランティス公式ツイッター (@imas_lantis) September 17, 2017